Hermosa flor

Hacía días que no ponía musiquita. Hoy, India Arie.

"...eres hermosa como una flor, más valiosa que un diamante, eres poderosa como fuego, puedes sanar al mundo con tu mente y no hay nada en el mundo que no puedas hacer cuando crees en tí.

Esta es una canción para cada chica que siente que no es especial, porque no se parece a una supermodelo de botella de cocacola...esta canción es para tí".

This is a song for
Every girl who's
Ever been through something
She thought she couldn't make it through, yeah
I sing these words because
I was that girl, too
Wanting something better than this
But who do I turn to?

Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives

Cause you're beautiful
Like a flower
More valuable
Than a diamond
You are powerful
Like a fire
You can heal the world
With your mind and
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you
Who are beautiful (yeah you)
Who are brilliant (yeah you)
Who are powerful (yeah you)
Who are resilient

This is a song for
Every girl who
Feels that she is not special
Cause she don't look like a supermodel Coke bottle
The next time the radio tells you
To shake your money-maker
Shake your head and tell them
Tell them you're a leader

Now we're moving from the darkness into the light
This is the defining moment of our lives

Cause you're beautiful
Like a flower
More valuable
Than a diamond
You are powerful
Like a fire
You can heal the world
With your mind and
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you
Who are beautiful (yeah you)
Who are brilliant (yeah you)
Who are powerful (yeah you)
Who are resilient (yeah you)
Who are beautiful (yeah you)
Who are brilliant (yeah you)
Who are powerful (yeah you)
Who are resilient (yeah you)

This song is for you
Yeah you
This song is for you
Yeah you
This song is for you
Yeah you
Yeah you
You are brilliant

1 comentario:

Shirsti dijo...

Me ha encantado, la música, ... y lo que he podido pillar de la letra.

Conocí a una persona de estas que a veces te comentan cosas que van a ocurrir, etc. y después casualmente o no ocurren, había quien le preguntaba para saber, aunque siempre pienso que estas cosas sólo son ciertas cuando le surgen no cuando se las preguntan.

Un día la oí hablar con alguien que le comentó sobre otra persona que no se arreglaba mucho, me sorprendió y encantó su respuesta, le vino a decir que cuando una persona se siente bien consigo misma no necesita maquillarse para gustarse.

Desgraciadamente le hacemos demasiado caso a nuestra vista.

Que lo pases bien!!